
Showing posts from May, 2021

Editing Progress 4

Today, we started to play around with some more sounds, to match them up with the video. After we played around with music, we realised that in majority of the opening in thrillers (based on research), don't have music playing the whole time, so we tried to see what that looked like, using some diegetic rain sounds that we made, however, it did not look as good without other music, so we did a mixture and added in our thunder sounds and used music, that we found and developed to match the storyline of the opening. On garage Band, we started to create some of our own music, so that we were not copyrighting anyone and that the music was to our taste. The music involved violins and other instruments used in creepy music  we tried out many different sounds with different notes, to see which works the best. When researching I discovered that a lot of thrillers use these types of sounds, so we are trying to meet the stereotype of Thrillers, by using repetition in music to help keep withi...

First draft of Project

  Here is the first draft of our media opening: Outrun the Truth 

Editing Progress 3

Today, during the editing process, we started finish off putting all the clips onto premier pro and placing them all together. The way we did this was making sure that all the videos for each scene were put together into files so that there was easier access. We compared the way we would put the scenes together based on the other openings of thrillers, based off of our research, this is to make sure it has thriller aspects rather than an different genre characteristics, such as Comedy or Sci-Fi, the way we did this was to create the scenes to be fast paced, as it quickly builds tension between the opening and audience. This relates to Stuarts Hall's audience theory as the audicnce/ readers can interpret the opening of the movie in anyway they decide. However, based off of my research I would gather that the majority of the readings would be preferred (also known as dominant), as the opening gives off a very easy storyline to follow, not making the audience start to wonder about oth...

Editing progress 2

Today, we started to put together the second scene clips. We started to create a montage to help make sure that we are below the maximum limit of 2 minutes. We both gave some input to help make sure that it is equal.  In this picture above, you can see the way we created the montage was by cutting down the each shot to be 1 second or less and putting them together in the correct order, to make sure that the story line followed along with it. We discovered that a lot of the thrillers include montages of some sort to help speed the scene up, they are normally used while a character is getting ready for an event, this is why we incorporated it within the scene where, the male character is getting ready for dinner. The montage relates to a lot of the research I did previously, as I discovered there are many montages included in thrillers to help pass time, in this case it was to show the male protagonist getting ready, and his family sitting down for dinner. Vladimir Props's chara...

Editing Progress

 17/05/2021 Recently, in the editing process of creating a Thriller, we are starting to put together the clips and downloading them onto Premier Pro. We have had many group discussions ranging from the colour of the shot to whether we should re-shoot it.     In the pictures above you can see us downloading the videos on the computer from OneDrive, this is the first stage in the editing process, to help make sure that we have access to all the videos needed to help make the opening. We went through all of the videos and decided which would be best to use, as we did multiple takes to get a variety of options.  This is when we made the group decision to decide to re-shoot the first scene, as there were not many camera angles and the quality was not good. We decided to film it again because we want it to match the storyline a bit better.  Here we are double-checking our videos to make sure they are the best takes. We did this as a group.  In the picture be...